Sunday, April 24, 2016

Wed AM Touring Rides Start Soon

Looks like weather this week is promising.  Hope to see a few riders 10 AM Wed Apr 13 at the bike trail.

I heard from one potential ride leader.
For the rest of you, please take a look at the tentative schedule for this year and let me know ( if there are any rides you would like to lead, or if you want to suggest a change to something else you can lead (ie date or ride).

Also as a reminder, you can now pay your BCA dues on line.
Go to and follow the instructions.
This is going to make it much easier to keep membership lists up-to-date. 
While you don't need to be a member to ride with us, you do need to be a member to lead a ride.

Hope to be seeing everyone soon.

Margie Safran

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