Wednesday, June 24, 2015

July 11th the Mount Greylock Century

This years Greylock Century will offer top notch support, a follow car, great views, climbs and descents, and bragging rights. We will also offer some dirt roads that weave on and off the main route There is a dirt section from the start al the way to the climb up Greylck, a parallel dirt climb to East Hawley Rd (ya it's steep) and more dirt to bring you back to Notchview. this course will have a distance of 70 mi and will include the following food stops Mt. Greylock Summit Whitcomb Summit, and Hawley big stop. The Century will be the same as last year, and will take you on some of the most beautiful roads in New England. please plan to join use for either the century or the mixed dirt /pavement 70 miler One more thing, t-shirts are back for the first 100 riders Visit Bike Reg to sign up see you there Joe Bazzano

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